MSF-OCA and MSF International

MSF has six operational entities, which work in an independent but coordinated way. Operational Centres (OC) have been, since around the 2000s, the traditional setup for managing operations. An Operational Centre is a group of entities that provides guidance and support to the operations in the countries where we work. These 5 OCs have their headquarters in Amsterdam (OCA), Barcelona (OCBA), Brussels (OCB), Geneva (OCG) and Paris (OCP).  

The Operational Centre Amsterdam (OCA) is a powerful expression of partnership with its unique collaborative structure between MSF Netherlands, MSF Canada, MSF Germany, MSF South Asia, MSF Sweden, and MSF-UK. OCA operates on the basis of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between the partner Associations. 

OCA partner sections delegate governance of the OCA partnership and operations to the OCA Council​. The OCA Council holds the responsibility and accountability for the supervision and monitoring of OCA operations. This Council is made up of representatives from the Boards of the MSF OCA partners, including MSF-NL.