The movement is owned by its members
The Association members own the MSF movement. We come together to reflect on identifying issues, approve strategies, and ensure that MSF stays true to its principles.
The General Assembly
Once a year, MSF Netherlands Association Members come together in the General Assembly. The Assembly is the highest governance body within MSF-NL. At the Assembly, members can elect MSF Netherlands Board members, vote on the Association member motions, and decide on MSF Netherlands accountability statements, such as the Annual Report and Financial Statements.
The MSF Netherlands General Assembly is the moment when we come together, reflect on, and debate issues in the MSF movement.
You can find outcomes from the most recent and previous General Assemblies here.

The Board
MSF Netherlands Association Members elect the MSF Netherlands Board members who govern the Association on their behalf. The MSF Netherlands Board delegates daily activities and strategy implementation to the Management Teams of MSF Netherlands and the Operational Centre Amsterdam (OCA). The MSF Netherlands Board formally appoints the General Director to take charge of these executive matters. You can find more information about the OCA cooperation on this page.
The Management Team is accountable to the MSF Netherlands Board and, in turn, to the members via the General Assembly. The Board takes responsibility for the actions of MSF Netherlands and ensures that the MSF principles are respected. The Board meets on a regular basis to reflect on current issues and whether the OCA is run according to MSF principles and objectives.
MSF's members take control
In short, as a member you can:
Attend the General Assembly and vote for Board members
Vote for ballots and members' motions and vote for approval of the Annual Report and the Financial Statements.
Let your viewpoint be heard & meet former colleagues at the OCA Cafe, and on viewpoint, be heard & meet former colleagues at the OCA Cafe and associative events
Join working groups for special events and movement-wide defining moments and processes
Volunteer at Association events or join our Peer Support Network.
The International General Assembly
Appointed representatives from MSF Netherlands and other MSF Associations meet yearly to contribute their voices to the global discussions shaping MSF's work. During the annual International General Assembly (IGA), members of the International Board are elected and motions brought forward to the international movement are voted on by Institutional Members. The IGA is responsible for safeguarding MSF’s medical humanitarian social mission and providing strategic direction to the MSF Movement. It also makes the final decision on key associative governance issues.

The MSF Netherlands Board appoints two representatives from its group to represent MSF Netherlands. On the other hand, the OCA Council appoints its representative to the International Board. IGA Representatives have more specific duties regarding their mandate in terms of preparation and participation in the IGAs, connection with the IB and communication with the IGA, the IB and MSF International. These include bringing issues of concern or interest of the Association to the attention of the IGA, and/or appropriate other bodies, committees or individuals, and reporting back to the MSF Netherlands Board and the Association regularly on international issues in order to inform, but also to get the Board and Association’s input for the debates and discussions.
Articles of Association and By-laws
The Articles of Association and By-laws are the fundamental governance documents of the MSF Netherlands Association. The Articles of Association define the Association’s objectives, membership criteria and obligations, governance bodies, appointment and responsibilities of MSF Netherlands Board members, Associative representation, scope and implementation of the General Assembly, Associative committees, financial and associative year parameters, and key compliance requirements. The By-Laws contain more comprehensive illustrations of membership, governance and management bodies, mandated Associative activities, Associative contextualisation in MSF International and the OCA, and Committee scoping.
MSF-NL Governing Documents
File name | File size |
2024 MSF-NL Articles of Association | 310.9 kB |
2024 MSF-NL By-laws | 401.3 kB |