More about MSF-NL Association Committee
The Association Committee advises and supports the MSF-NL Board and Association Team. It contributes to the engagement, governance functions, and activities of the MSF-NL Association.
The principal objectives of MSF-NL AsCo are, among others:
Help identify possible members for MSF-NL Board candidacy
Stimulate meaningful involvement of Association members
Promote accountability of the MSF-NL Board
Support the organisation of associative events and other activities
Support and contribute to the MSF-NL Motions and Voting Committees
Regular requests and voice input from Association members.
Contact the Association and Board Team if want to participate in our lively discussions and help shape associative life. AsCo meetings take place online once every 6 weeks.
For more information, please consult the AsCo ToR.
Association Committee
Sunita Abraham | - |
Nasiru Muhammad Altine | - |
Mohammad Zahedul Islam Azad | - |
Ivy Bojmic | - |
Jacques de Milliano | - |
Maaike Hersevoort | - |
Sara Kleine Vennekate | - |
Gunilla Kuperus | - |
Charlotte Lee | - |
Marietta Nagtzaam | - |
Kariman Raddadi | - |
Hugo Smeets | - |
Nestley Leo Medina Songco | - |
Bob Tempelman | - |
Annemarie ter Veen | - |