
Behavioural Commitments

In accordance with Article 5 of the MSF-NL Articles of Association, Association members must have endorsed the MSF Charter, and commit to observe the MSF-NL Articles of Association, the By-laws, and the resolutions of the organisation. 

Further, the MSF-NL Board believes it can be reasonably expected that members of the Association have not been dismissed from an MSF assignment, office, or Association, and / or declared not suitable to work with MSF following disciplinary processes related to MSF's Behavioural Commitments, OCA’s Code of Conduct or the MSF Charter. Persons who this applies to will not be admitted to the Association, and existing members will have their membership terminated. 

Reaffirming Membership

Members of the MSF-NL Association do not need to pay membership fees. Instead of requesting payment of fees, we require our members to annually reaffirm their intention to remain a member, prior to that year’s General Assembly. The MSF-NL Association and Board team will contact you with instructions on how this can be done on an annual basis, along with reminders in the lead up to the deadline.  

If members do not reaffirm their interest to remain a member of the Association, their membership will be terminated, and they will be unable to vote, stand for election to the Board, or propose motions or recommendations. Anyone who has their membership terminated in such a way will be able to continue to attend Association events, receive MSF-NL associative mailings, and re-apply for membership in the future.