Public Speaking in the Netherlands
Public Speaking in the Netherlands
Telling your MSF story to a live audience is the most powerful way of spreading the word about the work we do. We are always looking for MSF staff who are based in the Netherlands to join our speaker pool.
We would love to have you!

Why should you give talks?
- You will develop your skills
- It's a great way to stay engaged with MSF when you are not on assignment or are no longer working for us
- The visibility it provides is incredibly valuable
- It's great for recruitment, fundraising and advocacy
Many MSF staff deliver talks all over the country, and find the experience incredibly rewarding.
Where would you talk?
We get requests for MSF speakers to talk at events all year round, from all over the Netherlands, from:
- Schools
- Universities
- Community groups
- Private functions
- Fundraising events
You may already give talks in your area. If you do, please let us know and we can support you with resources and information.
It's also good for us to know which areas of the country we're covering, and where we are being represented to the public.
What support does MSF provide?
We provide a wealth of support to your public speaking activity, including a PowerPoint presentation template, photos, literature, and more.
What do we ask from you?
- Willing to travel (travel costs are covered by MSF)
- Recently worked for MSF (your previous MSF experience should be no longer than 5 years ago)
- Basic skills in presenting
How can I get involved?
Email to join our pool. We'd love to hear from you.